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3 Alarming Ways Screen Time Hurts Your Child Under 5

3 Alarming Ways Screen Time Hurts Your Child Under 5

3 Alarming Ways Screen Time Hurts Your Child Under 5

Screens can significantly impact the sleep of children under 5, and parents need to understand these effects and take steps to avoid them.
 1. Blue Light Disruption: The blue light emitted by screens can interfere with, the hormone that regulates sleep. Exposure to this light before bedtime can make it more challenging for young children to fall asleep.
 2. Overstimulation: Engaging content on screens, such as fast-paced games or exciting videos, can overstimulate young minds, making it difficult for them to wind down and relax before bedtime.
 3. Late-Night Use: The use of screens close to bedtime can lead to delayed sleep onset, resulting in insufficient sleep duration for young children.
Screen-Free Alternatives for Toddler Sleep:
 1. Bedtime Stories: Replace screen time with a calming bedtime story. Reading a book or telling a story can create a soothing pre-sleep routine that helps your toddler wind down.
 2. Lullabies and Music: Soft lullabies or gentle music can be an excellent alternative to screens. Create a relaxing atmosphere by playing soothing tunes to help your toddler fall asleep peacefully.
 3. Sensory Play: Sensory activities like playing with soft toys, textured fabrics, or soothing sensory bins can provide a tactile and calming experience, making it easier for your toddler to transition into sleep mode.
 4. Nature Sounds and Nightlights: Nature sounds like ocean waves or forest ambiance combined with a nightlight can create a serene sleep environment. These natural sounds can mask disruptive noises and promote better sleep.
5. Screen-Free Bedtime Routine: Establish a calming bedtime routine by replacing screen time with the Cubbie Box. Children can enjoy soothing stories and songs, helping them unwind before sleep. the Cubbie Box doesn’t emit disruptive blue light. This means your child’s sleep hormone production remains undisturbed, promoting better sleep.    
Interactive Bedtime: With its engaging content, the Cubbie Box makes bedtime more exciting. The interactive elements ensure that children look forward to bedtime, making the transition to sleep smoother. Enjoying the Cubbie Box together with your child fosters quality family time, providing opportunities for bonding and shared bedtime experiences.
Little Cubbie’s Cubbie Box is more than just a toy; it’s a companion on the journey of early childhood development, ensuring your child avoids excessive screen time and enjoys a peaceful, screen-free bedtime routine. With this magical turntable and its delightful companions, you can be confident that your child is receiving the best of both worlds—a world of knowledge, creativity, and imagination without the drawbacks of excessive screen time.

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